NFT Marketplace

NTFs Trading

Players are able to do all trading on the Hunterverse marketplace, including buying and selling NFTs, tickets and in-game items. They can build their favorite Hunter collections and best equip it to be ready for the battles.

Gold rewards cannot be used to trade on the marketplace; instead, players must use available $HUT in their wallets to make a transaction.


Sellers will be able to list NFTs for sale at a fixed price or hold auctions, where the highest bidder receives NFTs after the auction period ends

By combining 2 hunters, players can get a completely new NFT with either a whole new skill set or retaining that of the original hunters. The rarer the NFT is, the more likely you are to obtain a unique NFT via breeding.

Players need $HUT as a breeding fee. It will depend on the rarity of original hunters. After breeding, the 2 original ones will be locked for 7 days.

Last updated